Introduction to Recurring activities

Get to know the Recurring activities extension.


This extension helps manage regular, non-billable activities for individual resources, for example, a lunch break, time for administrative duties, or visit preparation. It can also be used for regular or once-off, non-billable activities for groups of resources, for example, training, team meetings, or vehicle maintenance.

The Recurring activities extension allows schedulers to create a series of activities for a single resource.


The Recurring activities extension has the following limitations:

  • This extension does not support creating a new recurring activity with multiple resources.

  • The date format differs between the list view and header.

  • Address suggestions between jobs and activities may differ as they use different APIs.

  • For some special scenarios, for example, if a user changes to a new timezone with a large gap (GMT+14 and GMT-3), the Start and End date are automatically updated. This case should not change the date of the pattern, so the Save recurring activity modal is shown with only one option for applying the change to a selected activity.

  • New Activity type picklist values cannot be created in the usual manner if the Recurring activities extension is in use. New values can only be added via the API, using the following payload:

     "label": "New Activity type", // Label for new type
     "value": "New Activity type", // Value for new type
     "active": true,
    "defaultValue": false,
    "controllingField": "string",
    "validFor": [