View agenda and calendar

View your agenda and calendar in the Skedulo Plus mobile app.


When you log in to the Skedulo Plus mobile app, the first screen is the Agenda. The agenda is the schedule of work that has been assigned to you and defaults to the current day. You can also view future and past work using the calendar.

The agenda includes a summary of each job for the day and estimated travel time between them, as well as a map view of the job locations. This gives you a clear view of the work for the day ahead, where you need to travel, and in what order.

Daily schedule

The primary purpose of the Agenda is to provide a quick reference for the day ahead and a place to manage the work you have been allocated.

The Skedulo Plus Agenda view

At the top of the schedule, you’ll find your availability and the total scheduled duration of all work items for the day.

You can view this information for other days using the calendar tool.

Job cards in the Agenda view

The job cards in the schedule include general information about each job, its scheduled time, and location.

You can accept or decline a job directly from the agenda view by tapping either Accept or Decline on the card in the schedule. The job status updates in real time on the agenda view.

Tap the job card to open the job details screen and start travel or perform other job actions.

Using the calendar

The agenda view shows the current week along the top of the screen.

The weekly agenda screen in the Skedulo Plus app

You can swipe left or right along the week to view previous or future weeks, or pull down on the week bar to view the entire month and swipe left or right to view previous or future months.

The calendar in the Skeduolo Plus app

Allocated work is represented by a blue dot on both week and month calendar views so that you can easily see which days you have allocated work or activities in your schedule.

  • Tap a day with a blue dot to display the jobs allocated for that day.

  • Tap a job or activity card to view the associated details view.

Agenda map view

The agenda map shows your home address location (represented by a house icon) and the location of the jobs scheduled for the day. These are numbered on the map in the order in which they are scheduled to be completed.

The agenda map in the Skedulo Plus app

Tap on the map to expand it to full view. You can zoom in, zoom out, or drag the map to your preferred position for better visibility of your job and activity locations. Tap the left chevron button to return to the Agenda screen.

Search jobs

The job search function on the Agenda screen header allows Skedulo Plus users to search for their jobs based on string matching.

Users can search for a job based on the following variables:

  • Job name
  • Job number
  • Description
  • Address / Location
  • Type
  • Account name
  • Contact name

To open the search, tap the Search icon Search icon on the calendar of the Agenda screen.

Search will begin populating jobs that match your query as you type. Tap a card in the list of the results to open the job details.

Job search can search all jobs allocated to the resource within the agenda visibility limit, which is either 90 days or 180 days in the past or future, depending on your team’s configuration.