Background tasks

Monitor the progress or view the results of an optimization run from the Background tasks panel.


Unlike previous iterations of Skedulo’s optimization feature, route optimization is an asynchronous process, which allows the optimization solver to run in the background for a longer time to produce better results. 

You can monitor the progress of these background operations from the Background tasks panel, available from the global navigation bar. 

View the Background tasks panel

One-off optimization runs from the swimlanes run asynchronously to allow you to continue working in the web app. 

When the optimization solver begins to calculate a scheduling solution, the Background tasks list automatically drops down from the rotation button on the navigation bar to show that the one-off optimization is in progress. 

background tasks

The Background tasks list provides a visual status for optimization runs that are in progress, completed, or failed.

View results

Results for previous optimization runs are available in this list for up to seven days. 

When an optimization run has been completed successfully, the background tasks icon displays a badge with the number of newly completed tasks:


Click View results to view the results page, which includes information about the jobs scheduled, and the ability to apply the schedule or reject it. 

Failed runs

When optimization runs fail to complete for any reason they are indicated with a red dot in the Background tasks.
