View work status

Understand work status indicators.


Status indicators are used to provide a visual indication of the progress of a work item. The status is automatically updated based on milestones, for instance on creation, scheduling, acceptance, commencement, and completion of a work item. They are also related to the work item’s allocation status.

When a resource is allocated to a work item, an allocation record is created. The Skedulo web app tracks the status of each allocation record to determine the status of a work item.

Work status and allocation status relationship table

The table below describes each status and its meaning, as well as the allocation status relationship.

Status Description Allocation status
Queued The work has been created but no date/time has been set, and no resource(s) have been allocated yet. N/A
Pending Allocation The work has a date and time, but no resource(s) have been allocated yet. N/A
Pending Dispatch The work has been allocated and is ready to be dispatched to the allocated resource(s). Pending Dispatch
Dispatched A notification has been sent to the resource(s) and is located on the notifications view of the resource(s) mobile app. Dispatched
Ready All allocated resources have accepted the work using the Accept Job button in the mobile app, or have replied to the received SMS notification with “Yes…”. Confirmed
En Route All allocated resources have started traveling to the work. This is triggered by tapping the Start Travel button (by default) on the mobile app. En Route
On-Site All allocated resources have arrived at the site. This is triggered by tapping the Check In button (by default) on the mobile app. Checked In
In Progress All allocated resources have started the work. This is triggered by tapping the In Progress button (by default) in the mobile app. In Progress
Complete All allocated resources have completed the work. This is triggered by tapping the Complete button in the mobile app. Complete
Cancelled This status is used to identify work items that have been canceled by either the scheduler or resource. Cancelled/Deleted

Places where you can view a work item’s status

Work cards in the Skedulo web app

The work card list is available from the Scheduling console in the Skedulo web app. Work cards display the current allocation status (per resource).

The job status on the work cards in the Skedulo web app.

Work cards can be filtered by status using the Status panel. For example, to display only those work cards with Pending Dispatch status, select Pending Dispatch from the status panel. When selected, the option turns a darker blue.

The job status filter in the Skedulo web app.

Work details in the Skedulo web app

A work item’s current status can be seen on the work details page. There are two status indicators:

  • One recording the overall job’s status (located in the work detail’s header).
  • One recording the resource’s current allocation status (one indicator per allocated resource).

the work status labels on the work details view

Allocation status as seen in a resource’s mobile app

The following image shows an allocated work item in the Skedulo mobile app. Its allocation status is set to Dispatched.

An example of job allocation status as seen in a resource’s Skedulo mobile app.