Create and manage shift offers

Create and manage shift offers in the Skedulo web app.


Some companies employ casual and part-time staff who do not have scheduled working hours or availability. Skedulo’s “Work Offers” solution empowers your employees to decide when they work.

The “Shift Offers” feature is part of the Skedulo “Work Offers” solution. Schedulers can offer shifts to a pool of resources, who can accept or decline them based on their own circumstances.

Create a shift offer

Once an unallocated shift has been created (as a draft), a scheduler can offer out the shift from the Shift Offers modal, which is accessible via the Shift console.

There are two ways to access the shift offers modal:

  • Right-click on the draft shift and select Create offer.
  • Click on the options menu (the three dots icon) in the shift’s pop-up summary and select Create offer.

Send a shift offer to multiple resources

The Shift Offers modal allows schedulers to target specific resources using filters. Once the target list is compiled, the shift offers can be sent.

Send a shift offer

Send a shift offer by performing the following:

  1. Click to open the Send tab (this is the default tabbed view).
  2. Apply any required filters to locate the required resources.
  3. In the column on the left of the modal (available/unavailable resources), select each resource to be included (or select all). Once selected, a listed is presented in the right-hand column.
  4. Once satisfied with the result, click the Send button.

Filter options

The following filter options are available in the shift offers modal to target specific resources:

  • Search for resources.
  • Sort by:
    • Tags (closest match first).
    • Alphabetically (A-Z).
  • Region.
  • Categories (i.e., resource categories).
  • Tags and Inclusion:
    • Meets required tags (i.e., match the skills required to do the job).
    • Only included resources (i.e., those not barred from the account associated with the job).

Pending offers

To see the current status of the offers associated with a shift:

  • In the shift offer swimlane, they can be seen in a summarized form viewing the offer icon on the shift card. The offer icon turns blue if there is at least one claim. The counter indicates how many claims have been received.
  • They can be found by opening the review tab of the shift offers modal (click on the blue status banner to open the shift offers modal).

Review an open shift offer

To see which resources have been sent an offer, made a claim (accepted), declined the offer, or who have been selected for allocation, right-click on the draft shift card under offer and select Review offer. This will open the Review tab of the shift offers modal.

For those resources who have made a claim for the shift, a Select button appears to the right of their name. The status of their claim is also updated from Pending to Accepted.

Reviewing and allocating shift offers.

Allocate a claimed shift

Once enough claims have been received (i.e., enough resources have replied or made a claim for the shift), the scheduler can decide who, from the list of the respondents, they wish to allocate by clicking the Select button (which then changes to Selected).

When the resource is selected, clicking the Allocate and notify button will send out the finalized shift allocation and close the offer. As a result, the shift will be published.

There is no way to reopen the shift offer once it is sent or canceled. You can, however, duplicate a canceled shift and offer it or right-click on the published shift and select Deallocate and create offer.

Once the Allocate and notify button has been clicked, a shift allocation notification is sent to the selected individual.

Cancel shift offers

Pending offers can be canceled (which means that resources who haven’t responded yet won’t be able to respond). To cancel a shift under offer, open the shift offers modal (by clicking on the blue banner on the shift summary as in Figure 4) and select the “Review” tab. The review tab contains the list of resources that are being considered for the shift (i.e., offers have been sent).

To cancel an offer (or all offers):

  • Click on the options menu button for an individual resource, then select Cancel offer.
  • Click on the options menu button for the whole offer, then select Cancel all pending offers.

Canceling shift offers.