View and configure general settings

Make changes to the behavior of the Skedulo web app.


This section allows admins to view and configure the general settings for the Skedulo web app.

The General admin settings.


Enable inactivity timeout in the web app

The web app can time out after a configurable period, meaning logged in users will be logged out automatically if there is no activity in the web app for the specified duration of time. The period that must lapse without a user interacting with the web app must be entered as time in minutes.

The default value is OFF.


Use default supplied email address

This setting allows admins to have full control over where their support emails are sent. Emails that are sent to support using the Skedulo mobile app are pre-addressed with the address defined here. Switching this setting OFF allows admins to insert their company’s support email address so that their resources can send support requests directly to their organization’s internal IT team. Also, see the Skedulo mobile app settings documentation.

The default value is ON (i.e., emails are pre-addressed to


Exclude pending dispatch allocations in iCal

By default, a calendar event (or iCal event) is posted before a job gets dispatched. However, some organizations prefer to have their calendars synchronize after the job has been dispatched to their resource(s). When this option is enabled, iCal events will be generated on dispatch only.

Note that this setting does not affect the calendar view in the web app and is specific to the use of iCal.

Also, see the Skedulo v2 mobile app documentation on iCalendar (iCal).

The default value is OFF.

Enable creation of Salesforce events for Skedulo jobs

When enabled, the system will synchronize jobs created in Skedulo with the Salesforce calendar.

The default value is OFF.


Enable Working hours

Once enabled, the swimlanes will only show time slots for the working hours that have been defined. The current working hours are configured in the swimlane settings (the drop-down menu (or three dots) at the right of the swimlane action bar).

Also, see more information about the swimlane settings.

The default value is OFF.

Hide travel times in swimlanes

When enabled this setting will disable travel times being shown in the swimlanes, i.e., the thin black bars in front of job cards will disappear and the average travel time field above the swimlanes will be blank.

The default value is OFF.


Enable Shifts

When this setting is on, schedulers will be able to create shifts and allocate resources to them. Also, see additional information about shifts and note that Shifts need to be added to the navigation menu for users to be able to make use of this feature.

The default value is OFF.

Filter displayed shifts by region

When enabled, a filter can be applied in the swimlanes or job details to display shifts based on their region (a configurable field on the shift card). Also, see additional information about shifts.

The default value is OFF.

User interface

Hide the Resource’s mobile number in the web app

This setting determines whether a Resource’s mobile number is visible in the web app. When enabled, the Resource Mobile number field and value are both hidden from view.

Users with the Administrator role or a role with the “View all data records” permission will be able to see the Mobile number field regardless of this setting.

The default value is OFF.

Show the User regions field on user editing screens

When selected, an additional field is available on the user creation and editing pages. User regions can be used to associate a region with a user account that would not otherwise have a region, in other words, users that do not have the Resource role.

This functionality can be used for any scenario where a user’s region is relevant, but it is a requirement for using the Data isolation by region record access policy.

The default value is OFF.

Enable the updated Users page

The new page for managing users in settings provides an improved experience and additional functionality. Note that a browser refresh is required. For more information, see the new Users page documentation.

The default value is ON.

Show the Virtual meeting section on the Job details screen

If this setting is enabled, then the virtual meeting fields will display on the Job details page in the web app.

The default value is OFF.

Rule conflicts

Enable Rules service

This setting determines whether the Rules service is enabled in your team. The Rules service helps identify issues with schedules using a set of core rules that address common scheduling errors.

To learn more about the rules and how to configure them, see the admin settings documentation. To learn more about the Rules service, see the developer documentation.

The default value is OFF.

Conflicts displayed throughout the app are driven by the Rules service

This setting determines whether the Rules service creates alerts throughout the web app when a schedule is in conflict with the scheduling rules. Alerts are shown in the swimlane views and work item detail pages.

The default value is OFF.

Enable Rule conflicts console

When enabled, the Rule conflicts console can be added to the navigation menu to be accessed by web app users. This console is a dynamic list of all current scheduling conflicts that have been detected by the Rules service and helps with the management of conflicts by assigning them to specific users to resolve.

For more information about the console and the functionality available in it, see the Rule conflicts console documentation.

The default value is OFF.