View automations in the web app

View triggered action config and activity logs.


You can view a list of all automations that have been configured in your team, including details of the configuration and activity logs. To learn more about how to create and manage triggered actions, please see the developer documentation.


  • To view the list of triggered actions, users must have the Administrator role or a role that includes the “View webhooks and triggered actions” permission.

  • To view the details of a specific triggered action, users must have the Administrator role or a role that includes the “Modify webhooks and triggered actions” permission.

View a list of automations

To view a list of automations in your team, do the following step:

  • In the web app, navigate to Settings > Developer tools > Triggered actions. The list of triggered actions displays.

The triggered actions list view

View details

To view details of a specific triggered action, do the following step:

  • In the list of triggered actions, click the name of the automation you want to view. The triggered action Details tab displays.

The triggered action details page

View automation logs

To view the activity logs for a specific triggered action, do the following steps:

  1. In the list of triggered actions, click the name of the automation you want to view. The triggered action Details tab displays.
  2. Click the Activity tab label. The list of triggered action activities displays.